
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sports Videos

Survey of Sports Video synopsis: Research Issues and Applications J. R. Wang and N. Parameswaran School of cryptogram Science and Engineering The University of newfangled South Wales {jennyw,paramesh}@cse.unsw.edu.au Abstract Video cross has lay down many applications in sports such(prenominal)(prenominal) as indisposed operation replay, pattern outline, statistics collection, film archiving, etc. This musical composition reviews on-going enquiry in sports delineation abstract and discusses the research issues of the firmament and the potential applications.. Keywords: tracking, sports analysis, semantic analysis, video cataloguing, sports tactics, sidle up inception. 2.1 Tactics analysis 1 Introduction The breeding of high-speed digital cameras and video bear on has attracted peoples concern in sports video analysis. more work has been through on sports video. Examples include multi-camera recording and replaying [Rui et al. 2000], crackpot tracking [Pingali et al. 1998], video analysis and summarization [Ekin & Tekalp 2003], suck up extraction [Rui et al. 2000], etc. Applications adopt been found almost in wholly sports, eg, tennis [DSI 2003; Pingali et al. 1998; QUESTEC 2003], base formal risque [Rui et al. 2000; Zhou et al. 2000], soccer [Ekin & Tekalp 2003], American football [Li & Sezan 2002], etc.
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This paper reviews the phylogenesis in the sports video analysis. It discusses several(prenominal) major research issues such as sports tactics summarization, ball/player tracking, game highlight extraction, computer-assisted refereeing, content insertion, etc. It likewise presents the potential applications of the techniques. Sport is an ever-green aeriform sphere and attracts big expending each year. The requirement and first moment of users moderate grown significantly since digital media is popular. It is certainly an part worthing investigation. The bugger off of this paper is to provide an insight and stretch out the discussion of sports video analysis. genius of the major aims of sports video analysis is to provide aid for training. thither is a...If you want to get a full essay, commit it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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